Food Storage Guide To Emergency Preparedness

It said that man can live without food for three days. Moreover, man can not live longer than three days without water. But for people who are dependent on solid food, it would surely be hard for them to survive and push through emergency situations. Disasters often occur via earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, fire accidents, gas explosions, electrical accidents. While you may be making all the necessary preparations like emergency plans, fire drills in case these events occur, you however may never get away with unlikely emergency situations such as financial crisis, State-wide electricity or power outage or worse, food shortage.

This is why it is very important to have a storage guide to emergency preparedness. Part of this food storage guide to emergency preparedness is to identify which type of food can be used for emergency cases. Canned goods are the usual supplies to keep. Canned meat or bottled pickles are very typical. But did you know that you can actually keep soups, vegetables and fruits for emergency cases? Yes, it’s possible. And you will learn this in our food guide to emergency preparedness which vegetable, fruit or soup is best to store.

For vegetables, a canned vegetable soup can be a good option. Canned vegetables, although processed, are still a good source of vitamins and fiber, which you will definitely need. During times of emergency, you could be eating canned meat all the time, so as a guide to emergency preparedness make sure to vary the courses by including canned vegetable soup. Alternately, you may go for packed dried vegetables which are available in major department stores. Or better yet, make your own dried vegetable food. You can use a food dehydrator to squeeze out liquid content found in vegetables. Drying up veggies will help extend the preservation.

Baby carrots are the easiest to dehydrate. Once dried up, they can be stored in mason jars. Regular carrots may still do, however, baby carrots taste better when dehydrated. To be able to eat the dried carrot, just add cold water and you’re ready for a veggie meal. Another important part of this food guide to emergency preparedness is the storage of canned soups. Opt for canned soups that are fat free and rich in protein. Lentils are good examples of this. Lentil soups are also ready-to-eat.

Fruits in your food storage can be canned pineapple, papayas or peaches. But make sure to store only fruits that you and your family like to eat, else, it will just go to waste. Canned meat is still a top choice but make sure you eat them before they expire. As a general rule for this food storage guide to emergency preparedness, keep only what you eat and eat everything that you keep.

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