Colloidal Silver with George Banks

                   COLLOIDAL    SILVER
At our recent meeting (October 5, 2021), George Banks
made a presentation of the value of colloidal silver and what it
might be used for. He demonstrated how to make it at home
for pennies. Research will reveal that colloidal silver was
used in the field during WWII to replace lost blood, and to
treat burn patients. It proved to be soothing, and to prevent
any infection!
This is information from “Honey Colony” that lists some of the
ways this could be helpful to us all:
Silver is an ancient and natural all-purpose immune
supporter. It wipes out bacterial infections in a safe and clean
manner, without compromising your immune system like
antibiotics do.
Silver effectively vanished from the medicinal market in the
early 20th century. It vanished because it couldn’t be patented
or fetch extraordinary profits for the pharmaceutical industry.
In modern lab tests, silver is getting its fame back as a safe,
multi-purpose bacterial killer. Silver is known to kill superbugs
(e.g. MRSA) and has been tested against 650 common and
exotic infections and diseases.
If you ever had to take antibiotics for any of the 51 conditions
below, then it’s time to consider silver. Silver comes in
different forms too. Whether it’s in colloidal form (made by
Silver Healer) or chelated , protein-binding form for added
bioavailability (made by Silver Excelsior), silver may be the
all-natural solution against bugs and bacteria that are
wreaking havoc on your health.
The fact is: repeated antibiotic use strengthens the bacterial
strains, and radically weakens the immune system.
51 Researched Benefits Of Silver
1.Silver has shown the ability to wipe out common throat
ailments such strep.
2.Ten drops of silver in the ear can aid in wiping out ear
3.Quality colloidal silver soothes and wipes out eye infections
(conjunctivitis, stys).
4.Colloidal silver has been shown to treat rhinosinitus in
sheep, suggesting it can clears sinus and upper respiratory
5.Silver ions have shown promise in inactivating influenza
and maybe show promise for inactivating other viruses.
6.Silver nano-particles have shown success in promoting antiinflammatory
7.Silver-coated endotracheal tubes have shown promise in
prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia.
8.Placing silver induced products on the urinary tract has
shown promise in treating Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
9.Over time, antibiotics lose their ability to combat infection.
Silver has been shown to boost the immune system to fight
10.Silver nanoparticles have shown promise against
hematophagous parasites.
11.Swishing silver in the mouth has been shown to prevent
plaque buildup, tooth decay, and bleeding gums.
12.Silver promotes optimal digestion.
13.Digested silver quickly combats food poisoning.
14.Silver has the ability to kill mold (including black mold) and
mildew on surfaces throughout the home.
15.Applying silver products on cuts, sores, and boils
promotes healing.
16.Applying silver to rashes can aid in soothing itches.
17.Silver has the ability to kill various fungi, including athlete’s
foot and nail fungi.
18.Silver has been successfully used to kill staph infections,
including MRSA.
19.Applying silver to burns, especially sunburns, can soothe
and heal.
20.Silver has shown success in inactivating the herpes
simplex virus.
21.Silver infused water has been used to support HIV/AIDS
22.Silver has been shown to kill cancerous cells and has
been considered as an alternative treatment to
23.Silver applied to insect bites provides relief from itches.
24.Silver applied to infected areas can kill ringworms.
25.Silver applied to the vaginal area can combat yeast
26.Relief from jock itch can be found through applying silver
around the affected area.
27.Silver’s antibacterial properties can provide relief from
acne breakouts.
28.Applying silver to the scalp can relieve itchy scalp and
29.When ingested, silver shows promise in treating laryngitis.
30.Silver’s ability to kills single cells organisms allows it to
treat eczema when applied to the affected area.
31.Silver shows promise in treating psoriasis.
32.Silver purifies water that has germ contaminants present.
33.Silver is used in many airline filters to prevent water borne
34.When applied on mayonnaise and dairy products, silver
has the ability to prevent salmonella growth.
35.Ketchup, mustard, relish, and other condiments get a
prolonged life with the addition of silver.
36.Silver’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral can help
treat Lyme disease.
37.Silver’s antiviral properties help combat the common cold.
38.When applied to the scalp, silver can promote hair growth.
39.Sixty-six percent of patients in a trial found that their warts
regressed when silver was applied.
40.Silver’s anti-microbial properties have shown promise in
stopping asthma attacks.
41.When ingested, silver has the ability to combat Whooping
42.Using colloidal silver regularly allowed one woman to treat
her Multiple Sclerosis.
43.Can minimize symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
44.When ingested silver can heal a pet’s stomach ache.
45.Silver can heal pet skin issues such as rashes and
46.When pets leave messes on the floor or carpet, silver can
get rid of nasty odors.
47.Applying silver to cuts helps treats both human and pet
48.Applying silver on cuts can prevent infections in pets.
49.Silver has the ability to keep pets fungi-free.
50.Colloidal silver can penetrate the large intestine and treat
traveler’s diarrhea and cholera.
51.Silver has the ability to inhibit both Hepatitis B & C viruses.

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