Doomsday Marauders

October 25, 2014 Oath Keepers of Yavapai County
Rev 4/17/22 Yavapai County Preparedness Team

Instructor- JIM ARROYO

“Doomsday Marauders.”

What are they? (definition)

Maraud – To raid, plunder and pillage

There are people who plan to take what they need from you! There are groups of people training and preparing to steal, loot, murder and rape their way through what’s left of society.

Who are they?
Drug cartels, gang members, OMB’s, white supremacist groups. These are just examples. But the worst and most dangerous are the “Doomsday Marauders”. Members of these groups could be your neighbors and even your family members. Their philosophy is to stockpile weapons and ammo and body armor. They consider preppers and survivalists as the 7-11s of the future. They are studying tactics and techniques of attacking our NPPs.

These are American citizens, our fellow countrymen, who have no souls. They are a clear and present danger to our survival.

How do we deal with this threat?

A knock on your door by someone you don’t know: DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. Tell them to go away, and hope they do. Have someone watch the back doors and windows. Check your outdoor cameras, if you have them. Try to determine whether there is a group around your home. If so, prepare to use violence. If possible, contact neighbors for their help. Once one makes entry, all your resources will be taken. If they do not kill you, you will die of starvation.

It won’t be difficult to explain to the Sheriff or PD that you feared for your life when a group assaulted your home and threatened you.

There may be a time when you should plan on carrying your loaded firearm with you all the time. Explore options for holsters: Shoulder style, on a belt, in your pants, drop leg tied to thigh, ankle styles, etc. Perhaps more than one firearm should be considered. Other recommendations include collapsible batons, pepper spray, mace, stun guns. KNOW HOW TO USE THEM ALL, to minimize the chance they will be taken from you.

Keep your distance from suspected “bad guys”. Your best situation is one where they never get close enough to touch you or your protection devices.

Someone knocks on your door that you do not know. Has a very sad story, but your gut says “no”. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR, as they may have associates hidden nearby. Let them know you have nothing, and cannot help them, and hope they go away. If they do not, see above.

Someone knocks on your door you have seen before, maybe don’t really even know, but they belong in your neighborhood, and your gut says “yes”. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. You can offer to that person to let them help you with something, a few hours in the garden perhaps. If they agree to help, you will be willing to share what little you have with them for supper later. After working for several hours, do just that (a humble meal). That person has become a valuable asset to your community, easing your work load. They may watch children while you get something done, or a dependent adult, feed the animals… When several of these join your community, all are contributors, and the work load is less for all. It is suggested they never enter your home, or any building where your supplies may be visible.

Someone (maybe even a prepper) tells you they are concerned about living in a “not so friendly” neighborhood. They are not able to move. Ideally, they could acquire a trailer and load it. Then, when the time comes they can no longer be there, they pull that trailer to your property. They begin to help you with your tasks, and the neighborhood tasks, and become part of your team. If they have no trailer, yet supplies to move, several others may go with them to their home to retrieve them.

Eventually, you may have several families living on your property, in tents, Rvs, or under trees, just to have the safety of being together. It will be more efficient to form a secure perimeter around this small “camp” than to have families scattered and isolated in outlying areas. Many of these may become part of your security team, working for the safety of all as well as sharing resources.

We are fortunate to have a wealth of experience and professional background to draw upon. Many good warriors among us will be there with other solutions.

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