Your Hurricane Preparedness Checklist – 23 Vital and Easy and Simple Supplies

When a hurricane strikes, the worst thing that can happen is being unprepared. The second worst thing is to waste time gathering the wrong supplies in an attempt to get prepared. Getting ready for Hurricane Season doesn’t have to cost ridiculous amounts of money, nor do you need to build a fallout bunker to hide in for years. With the right checklist of essential supplies, you can ride out the storm and its aftermath with less stress and with a strategic advantage. Here is a list of 23 vital items that will help you be well-prepared for a disaster emergency – and it all starts with a relatively inexpensive thick-walled foam cooler.

  1. Thick Walled Foam Cooler Ice Chest – a superior grade, 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick, fully fused EPS foam cooler will cost so much less than a hard shell plastic or metal cooler that you can buy quite a few of them and come nowhere near the painful expense of hard-surface brands. That means you can have more storage ability and even have some left over for neighbors, friends, or relatives where themselves may wind up in need. The thermal qualities of high-grade foam coolers allow for keeping items cold for days when properly packed, and you’ll find that emergency management organizations often neglect to provide disaster area residents with such a simple, fundamental necessity. So, while other people are worrying about what to do with the bags of ice that they collect from FEMA or the Red Cross in the blazing summer heat, you’ll be able to take along your light-weight, reliable cooler to protect your cold stuff from the heat.
  2. Batteries – multiple sizes! Someone else may have a radio or other info-gathering device if yours breaks.
  3. Water – bottled or in plastic jugs. Some can keep in the foam cooler, while the rest can be stored somewhere in the shade to prevent your water stash from getting too hot.
  4. Charcoal – useful for grilling and cooking even without a charcoal grill.
  5. Mosquito Repellant – there’s no need to suffer when swarms kick up due to stagnant water sources that result from deluges of rain.
  6. First Aid Supplies – if some of those supplies are temperature sensitive, use the foam coolers to keep them protected from the heat.
  7. Food – canned and non-perishable. Once a can of food is opened or prepared, leftovers can go in the thermal-insulated foam cooler.
  8. Disposable plates, cups, utensils
  9. Baby Needs – formula, diapers, and other necessities. Use the foam cooler to keep formula and baby food cool.
  10. Spare Clothes – protected in plastic or another waterproof method.
  11. Prescription Medications – consult a pharmacist to learn what temperature ranges are best for a particular type of medicine.
  12. Pet Medications – consult the veterinarian to learn what temperature ranges are best for a particular type of pet medicine.
  13. Plastic Garbage Bags – thick ones, large. Definitely come in handy.
  14. Cleaning Supplies – storm damage can be messy, even unsanitary.
  15. Children’s Toys – to keep the young ones occupied and entertained.
  16. Pet Food – dry food will last longer than canned wet foods.
  17. Ice – bagged, can be kept in freezer until transferred for use in foam cooler.
  18. Candles – lots of them, without dye colorings that can cause irritating smoke.
  19. Canned Drinks – non-soda is better for the body – healthy fruit juices and such.
  20. Sterno – for cooking.
  21. Propane – serves for cooking, and in some cases for heating.
  22. Bleach – both for cleaning and appropriate disinfectant purposes.
  23. Dish Detergent – will clean well and still good enough for washing clothing.

When it comes to making yourself ready for a strong tropical storm or hurricane, having a well-made foam cooler ice chest is an essential focal point to ensure that you can more easily bear the brunt of the aftermath when the power is out and you need to keep items protected from the heat of the sun. The low cost, reliability, and even the fact that they make great flotation make the decision to purchase at least one a very practical idea.

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