Surviving A Long Term Power Outage in the Heat of the Summer
"Surviving A Long Term Power Outage in the Heat of the Summer." how you and your home must be able to deal with the summer heat when there is a...
Shofar of Warning
SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Pending/actual scenarios that would have a direct negative impact on America, the economy, and national security BRIEFING COMMENTS: I am privileged having a warm relationship with a...
PREPAREDNESS/SURVIVAL CLASS BASIC HOME & VEHICLE SECURITY We are starting this subject with the notes of Week 7 of 52 (Basic Home Security) from the Ready Nutrition website. We will...
Prepare Now, Survive Later
Get two cases of water bottles for each person in your household. You have just taken the most important step in preparation for an emergency or natural disaster: an adequate...
One Year After
730 DAYS SINCE “THE DAY” This is BBC News. It’s 3:00 a.m., Greenwich War Time, and this is the news for today. This day marks the second anniversary of the...
One Second After
BY SPEAKER NEWT GINGRICH Though this book is a work of fiction, it is also a work of fact, perhaps a "future history," that should be thought provoking and, yes,...
SELF-RELIANCE; IT REQUIRES A PARADIGM SHIFT Plan. Prepare. Prosper.“If you are properly prepared, you have no need to fear the uncertain future!
How People Kept Houses Cool Before Air Conditioning Was Invented
This is an excellent article by Tricia Drevets that I found on line. 
Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
Preface Health emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) is a rich and varied field. Any major incident or emergency is likely to have some impact on the health of those...
Food Storage Preparation for ‘Climate Change’
First it was ‘Climate Cooling.’ Then, when temperatures increased and defeated that hysteria… it became ‘Climate Warming.’ And when a cooling cycle started decades later… the environmentalists threw their hands...
Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America
America was born in blood. America suckled on blood. America gorged on blood and grew into a giant, and America will drown in blood. This is the spectre that is...
Civil Defense Manual
The definitive guide to preparedness and civil defense for homes and neighborhoods. Two volumes comprising 950 pages of detailed information. Click on view for more information and to order  
Building A Parallel Society
We must do everything we can right now to peacefully protect our freedom by building a parallel society.  It’s baffling to me how people do not recognize the urgency of the situation...
5 Ways to Financial Security While Building Thriving Communities Outside The System
Together, we can build a future that provides abundance, financial security, and a thriving community, outside of the system the globalists are trying to create for us. The first step...
1.Guide to the United States Constitution A Fully Annotated Declaration of Independence
WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers...
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