Where Women Have No Doctor combines self-help medical information with an understanding of the ways poverty, discrimination and cultural beliefs limit women's health... Considered by the World Health Organization to be the most widely-used health care manual in the world, this classic title is for... Though “preppers” are often referred to in (implied) derogatory terms like “doomsayers”, the fact is that a host of natural and man-made events around... CHAPTER 1 Be ready! The current supply chain crisis is becoming noticeable to most at this point and it could... Welcome to the world of amateur radio! We (the term “we” applies not only to myself, but to all the pioneering hams who helped to make amateur radio available to... Since the invention of cities and by definition, civilization, man has created an artificial environment in which to
"Surviving A Long Term Power Outage in the Heat of the Summer." how you and your home must be able to deal with the summer heat when there is a... After the terrorist attack the Bush administration in March 2002 came up with the Department of Homeland Security Advisory System, a... SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Pending/actual scenarios that would have a direct negative impact on America, the economy,... Updated "Radio Check-in Weekly Schedule". Also the Monday 7:00 PM YCPT Practice Net is being discontinued. Everyone is encouraged to join your local Neighborhood Protection Group Net. Please refer to... PREPAREDNESS/SURVIVAL CLASS Get two cases of water bottles for each person in your household. You have just... Most people are not naturally organized. For many people it is a skill that must be learned. 730 DAYS SINCE “THE DAY” BY SPEAKER NEWT GINGRICH Who Are The Oathkeepers
Where Women Have No Doctor
Where There Is No Doctor.
Where There Is No Dentist
The Permaculture Handbook: Garden Farming for Town and Country
Garden Farming The Current Supply Chain Crisis Could Throw The Global Economy Off Course
The Beginner’s Handbook of Amateur Radio
The Art of Urban Survival
Surviving A Long Term Power Outage in the Heat of the Summer
Shofar of Warning
Radio Check-in Weekly Schedule May 10, 2021
We are starting this subject with the notes of Week 7 of
52 (Basic Home Security) from the Ready Nutrition Prepare Now, Survive Later
One Year After
This is BBC News. It’s 3:00 a.m., Greenwich War Time, and this... One Second After
Though this book is a work of fiction, it is also a work of fact, perhaps a "future
history," that should be thought provoking...
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