Prepare Now, Survive Later
More DetailsGet two cases of water bottles for each person in your household.
You have just taken the most important step in preparation for an emergency or natural disaster: an adequate supply of water for at least six days for each person.
This book is designed for you. The person who has concerns about whether they are adequately prepared for emergencies and disasters. It is written to help you easily prepare for and deal with a wide array of possible situations in a common-sense, step by step manner.
We are constantly being bombarded with images of people caught in both natural and unnatural emergencies and disasters.
They appear on our television screen and we watch the devastation, confusion and chaos with a combination of relief and fear. Relief because it’s not us and fear because even though we bury the emotion, telling ourselves that won’t happen to us, we know deep down that accidents, disasters and emergencies do not discriminate and can strike anyone, anywhere at anytime. You, and someone you love, will definitely face at least one of the topics covered in this book.