Home » Videos » Guests Sheriff Rhodes 1.13.24 LTC Steven Murray Dr Armaiti May Veterinarian Basic Care for Pets John Garden candidate for Chino Valley Town Council 7.23.22 Quang Nguyen, AZ Rep, 7.23.22 Eli Crane cand for US House 7.23.22 Selina Bliss candidate for AZ House 7.23.22 Shawnna Bolick- Candidate for AZ Secty of State 7 9 22 Gen Mick McQuire- candidate for US Senate 7 9 22 Selina Bliss- Candidate AZ Rep LD1 7 09 22 Shiry Sapir Candidate for Supt of Public Education 6.25.22 Matt Cordua, Candidate Yavapai Hospital Tax District 6.25.22 Mitch Padilla, Candidate for Prescott Justice of the Peace 6.11.22 Brandon Martin, Candidate for AZ Senate LD6 6.11.25 Tiffany Shedd, Candidate for AZ Atty General 6.11.22 AZ State Rep Quang Nguyen 11.14.20 Tony Tangelos 4.24.2021 Grant Quezada 7.24.2021 Sheriff Scott Mascher 8 8 2020 Sheriff David Rhodes 8 14 21 Surviving Nuclear War. Presentation by Bob Emett Quang Nguyen 8 8 21 Jonathan Gilliam 10 23 21 Colloidal Silver – George Banks